Do you have an older dog?
Does your dog eat a heat processed food diet like kibble or cans?
Does your dog have a history of pancreatitis?
Does your dog have trouble digesting his food or frequent flatulence?
Does your dog have acid reflux or a rumbly tummy?
Digest might be for you!
Digestive enzymes are proteins that help break down food molecules into smaller pieces.
Enzymes help digest your dog’s food and kick-start most of the metabolic processes in your dog’s body.
Your dog can produce many of his own enzymes … but if he’s eating cooked/heat-processed food, he may not make enough which can ultimately strain the pancreas. If a dog consumed food in the wild like wolves and coyotes, its diet would be loaded with beneficial enzymes. But today, most heavily processed commercial dry or canned dog foods lack enzymes.
Enzymes are heat sensitive and deactivate easily when exposed to high temperatures. Adding digestive enzymes to your dog’s meals can help support his pancreas, organs and immune system.
Veterinarian Dr PJ Broadfoot said in a 2018 paper:
“Supplemental enzymes are needed to replace those destroyed by cooking and processing food. Processing and cooking at any heat of approximately 118°F to 129°F (48°C to 54°C), for as few as three minutes, can destroy virtually all enzymes, which results in very little pre-digestion taking place in the stomach. Thus, what’s left of the food mass enters the small intestine largely undigested. This puts the pancreas and other organs of the endocrine system under tremendous stress, since they have to draw reserves from the entire body in order to produce massive amounts of the proper enzymes.”
Commercially made raw foods can contain more active enzymes than kibble or cans, but also could benefit from supplementation. Note: Fermented raw foods (like the Answers brand foods or their fermented goat’s milk, cow kefir or fermented turkey or fish broths) are richer in digestive enzymes and probiotics than typical raw food diets, and make a great addition to a processed food diet.
When a dog has had a case of pancreatitis in the past, it’s often helpful to supplement with digestive enzymes. If the pancreas isn’t working properly, it’s not going to produce the digestive enzymes your dog needs.
The pancreas is the main digestive organ of the body. While a small percentage of the pancreas produces hormones that regulate blood sugar; around 95% of it produces enzymes for digestion. When dogs have chronic pancreatitis (not the acute form, but continued symptoms of discomfort that come and go), they might benefit from digestive enzymes. Over the course of years the inflammation caused by chronic pancreatitis can even lead to irreversible damage to the pancreas, including to the cells that secrete pancreatic digestive enzymes and the cells that produce insulin, which could lead to diabetes. It can also lead to Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI).
Digest contains grass-fed New Zealand bovine pancreas, the purest source of enzymes. It’s a pure and natural source of the enzymes protease and trypsin (they break down proteins), amylase (which helps to digest carbohydrates; Dogs can make some amylase, but don’t make a lot of it because in the wild they wouldn’t have eaten starchy food), and lipase (digests fat).
Digest can also support the liver. It contains organic broccoli sprout powder, a natural source of sulforaphane, a powerful source of enzymes that trigger liver detoxification pathways. Digest o alshas the addition of a blend of soil based probiotics and natural prebiotics to make Digest a complete digestive aid for dogs of all ages.Other ingredients:

Photo by Christine Mallar
Organic Alfalfa juice powder: This green powerhouse is a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, and contains eight essential amino acids. It can support health conditions from detoxification to digestion, and can boost the immune system. It can also help to aid in the assimilation of protein, fats and carbohydrates in the body. It’s made by first juicing alfalfa grass which removes the cellulose that dogs don’t digest well, then making it into a powder.
Betain HCl: This nutrient and a source of hydrochloric acid is a naturally occurring chemical in the stomach that helps digest food by breaking up fats and proteins. It facilitates nutrient absorption, stimulates the flow of bile and pancreatic enzymes, and helps prevents bacterial and fungal over-growth. Essentially, it makes the stomach a little more acidic which makes it do its job better.
Nettle leaf powder: Nettle is abundant in fiber, protein, calcium, iron, magnesium and vitamins A and K.
Bromelain: is a group of enzymes found in the fruit and stem of the pineapple plant. A review of clinical studies found that bromelain’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties also make it an effective treatment for the pain, soft-tissue swelling, and joint stiffness associated with osteoarthritis.
Invertase: an enzyme that assists the breakdown of sucrose.
Nettle leaf powder: Contains many nutrients, minerals and amino acids. Also contains flavonoids, Beta-carotene, lutein, luteoxanthin and other carotenoids (which have beneficial anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, protecting cells from oxidative damage that can lead to disease).
Ox Bile powder: Bile is a complex, vital, and unique fluid produced by the liver to aid in the digestion of fats in the small intestine.
Papain: This is an enzyme found naturally in the fruit of the papaya plant (Carica papaya). The enzymes help break down proteins. In alternative medicine, papain is touted as a natural pain reliever. It also may aid in the treatment of allergy, diarrhea, and indigestion.
Cellulase: an enzyme that breaks down the cell walls of plants. Cellulase is an enzyme that dogs can’t manufacture themselves. Because of this, dogs and cats are inefficient at digesting grains or plant materials.
Bacillus coagulens, Bacillus subtilis: these are probiotics. Bacillus strains are best at surviving stomach acid and making it to the large intestine.
With any new supplement, we always encourage starting with a pinch, and slowly building up to the proper dosage